News and Events


Professor Elizabethada Wright has placed an article in College English, a journal read by professors across the Unite

Writing Studies and English double major (and Creative Writing certificate holder) Courtney Brunn organized a Zoom visit from the editors of Rain Taxi.

When Alexis Sininger took WRIT 2400, Languages of Advertising, it was the start of what would eventually become a career.  

At its February monthly meeting, the College and Advanced Writing Program (CAWP) invited information literacy expert Barbara Fister to join us. 

Sarah Lawler, an alum of English and Writing Studies, has received an honorable mention in the 2022 Words and Music Competition by Peauxdunque Review.

Sara Sowers-Wills has recently brought her love of language and her skills as a writer together into a new poem published in MedMic, Conversations, Culture & Creativity from the Health Care Com