John Schwetman

John Schwetman
Professional Title
Associate Professor

Having received his PhD from the University of California, Irvine, in 1999, John D. Schwetman has been teaching at the University of Minnesota Duluth ever since. With a focus primarily on literature from the past one hundred years, he has written articles on literary works by John Steinbeck and Ernest Hemingway. His tastes are wide-ranging and include research into popular culture alongside more traditional canonical texts, so he has written on works as disparate as a graphic novel by Chris Ware, a post-colonial work by Nigerian novelist Chris Abani, and Harry Beck’s map of the London Underground. He is currently working on a book titled Far from Home, which examines the road novel as an influential form of twentieth-century American literature.

Teaching Interests

American Literature, World Literature, Theory and Criticism; Courses: American Literature I and II, Great American Authors, Introduction to World Literature, Methods of Literary Study, Contemporary Literature, Poetry, Science Fiction.

Courses Taught

ENGL 1001 Great American Authors
ENGL 1582 Intro to World Literatures
ENGL 1818 Science Fiction in Literature and Film
ENGL 1907 Introduction to Literature
ENGL 3563 American Literature I
ENGL 3564 American Literature II
ENGL 3906 Methods of Literary Study
ENGL 5375 Modern Poetry
ENGL 3411:Modern Short Story
ENGL 5580 The Novel

Research Interests

20th-Century American Literature, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Literature 

Recent Publications 

“Contact Points: The Roadside Diner’s Machinery of Work in John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath.” Left in the West, edited by Gioia Woods. U of Nevada P, 2018, pp. 232-253. 

“‘Shadowy Objects in Test Tubes’: Marking Grievance in Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let Me Go.” Interdisciplinary Literary Studies, vol. 19, no. 4, 2017, pp. 421-440.

“‘Ever Heard of Evel Knievel?’: James Bond Meets the Rural Sheriff.” Cinej Cinema Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, 2017, pp. 94-118.

“‘I Was in Italy . . . and I Spoke Italian’: Fighting Other People’s Battles in Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms.” Hemingway in Northern Italy, edited by Mark Cirino and Mark Ott. U. P. of Florida, 2017, pp. 127-144.

“Leaving Lagos: Diasporic and Cosmopolitan Migrations in Chris Abani’s GraceLand.” Pacific Coast Philology, vol. 49 no. 2, Fall 2014, pp. 184-202.

“Harry Beck’s Underground Map: A Convex Lens for the Global City.” Transfers: Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies—Special Issue on Rails and the City vol. 4, no. 2, Spring 2014, pp. 86-103.

“The Superhero and the Prospective Geography: Tropes of the Cityscape in Chris Ware’s Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Kid on Earth.” IJOCA (The International Review of Comic Arts) vol. 13, no. 2, Fall 2011, pp. 642-658.

"Ships Passing: Encounters with Strangers in Melville's "Benito Cereno" and Conrad's "The Secret Sharer." Hearts of Darkness: Melville, Conrad and Narratives of Oppression. M-Studio, 2011, pp. 243-254.

"The American Cosmopolitan: Deracination in the Works of Jack Kerouac and Toni Morrison." Cercles: Revue pluridisciplinaire du monde anglophone, vol. 19, 2009.

"'Like a Thirst for Salt, for My Childhood River': Situating the San Francisco Bay Area in Robert Hass's Praise Poems." The River Is a Strong Brown God: Selected Papers from an Interdisciplinary Conference. Sunray, 2008, pp. 181-192. 

"Romanticism and the Cortical Stack: Cyberpunk Subjectivity in the Takeshi Kovacs Novels of Richard K. Morgan." Pacific Coast Philology, vol. 41, fall 2006, pp. 124-140.