Transfer Work


Transfer work can happen a variety of different ways; you may have taken college level coursework during high school as a PSEO [Post Secondary Enrollment Option] or CITS [College in the Schools] student, or you may have attended another university after high school and have decided to transfer to UMD. 

Additionally, you may have taken an Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) exam that also can grant credit in a college level course.

When you have credit from another (or multiple) universities or colleges, your coursework may or may not transfer to UMD.  In this section, you will learn how to access your Academic Credit Report, how to understand what it means, and what to do if some credits aren't transferring the way you expect.

How to access your Academic Credit Report:


1.  The Academic Credit Report is part of the APAS advising tool. Begin at the UMD home page:


2.  Click on MyU in the upper right - On most UMD web pages, you can access the MyU on through the top page banner, next to the search bar.


3.  If you haven't already, log in with your username and password


4. To find the APAS tool from the MyU portal
  • Step 1: Select the Academics tab in the left navigation menu
  • Step 2: Scroll down and select APAS in the Enrollment Tools and Planning section
5. Once you've opened APAS, you should see a link to "Run Declared Programs" or "Run a What-if APAS." Click on "Run a What-if APAS" as highlighted below.


6.  Within the "What-if" menu, select the "College of Liberal Arts" in the first drop-down menu, then "Academic Credit Report" at the top of the second drop-down menu. Then select "Run What-if APAS."


7. The Report will generate on your screen. All transfer work that has been received by UMD will fall into one of three categories: Action Needed, Credit Transferred, or Credit Not Transferred.


Action Needed: 
This section includes courses that have not yet been formally evaluated for transfer. Consider these courses to be "in limbo" until the appropriate academic department reviews a syllabus for the courses listed. Once the course has been through the evaluation process, it will migrate to either the Credit Transferred section or the Credit Not Transferred section.


Credit Transferred:

  • This section includes courses that have transferred as direct equivalent courses and courses that transfer to UMD as elective credit
    • Direct Equivalent Course: The course transfers and is equivalent to a particular course at UMD: SCI 2100 (Bemidji) --> 3AST 1040 (UMD)
    • Elective Course: The course transfers to UMD for college credit, but there isn't an exact equivalent course.  ENGL 3115 (Bemidji) --> ENGL 3999I (UMD)
      • All elective courses are given numbers of 1999, 2999, 3999, 4999, depending on the level. These don't fulfill specific major requirements but count towards the overall 120 credits needed to graduate.
    • Any AP or IB credit will also be listed in this section (if the required score has been achieved).

Courses that do not transfer to University of Minnesota Duluth:

  • This section includes courses that do not transfer to UMD.  These courses have already been formally evaluated as being not equivalent to any coursework at UMD.
  • Courses that typically fall under this category include:
    • Courses without a passing grade
    • Courses that were associated with a technical program at a community or technical college (i.e. surgical tech, dental hygiene, construction, etc.)
    • Developmental courses that you needed to take prior to placement into a college-level course (i.e. developmental reading, math, or writing courses)
    • Courses for which we do not teach an equivalent subject at UMD
    • Courses that have been repeated/replaced with an equivalent college-level course


There are a few different scenarios in which you may have a course reevaluated for transfer credit:

1.  A course transfers to UMD as an elective but you want it to fulfill a liberal education requirement or major specific requirement.

    • For example, you took a Fundamentals of Speech course at your previous college and by default it transferred to UMD as COMM 1999A. You want this course reevaluated as a possible equivalent to COMM 1112 Public Speaking, which could fulfill Liberal Education and your Communication major. 

2.  A course is listed under the Action Steps of needing approval of appropriate department.

    • For example, you took a Physical Geography course at your previous college and it hasn't been evaluated yet.  You want this course to equal your GEOG 1414 requirement for your Environment & Sustainability major, so you need to take steps to have the coursework evaluated.

Steps to have the coursework evaluated:

  • Obtain the course syllabus from your previous university or college
    • If you did not keep the syllabus, you can contact the department the course was offered through OR email the professor who taught the course 
    • Note:  if you are requesting a writing course to be evaluated for transfer, YOU MUST provide the most substantial paper you wrote during that class.
  • Complete the Course Evaluation Form
    • If you need assistance please let your academic advisor know.
    • Make sure you attach the syllabus when prompted within the form. 


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